There are few things as powerful for boosting your health as fasting. Many scientific studies have shown that both juice and water fasts regenerate the body in remarkably short periods of time.
From increasing longevity to rejuvenating cells, healing disease and expanding your spiritual awareness, this sacred African plant does it all, earning it names like 'The Miracle Tree'.
It turns out we've been going about creating healthy, clear, problem-free skin all wrong—and a group of scientists has figured out what the solution is.
The neurogenesis diet consists of 37 special foods and supplements that all work to increase brain neuron growth, making you smarter, happier and healthier.
This ancient yogis and healers of India developed this powerful healing diet to restore your health, energy and mood and reverse almost any disease known to man.
These powerful spiritual herbs and plants have been used for millennia to activate higher awareness, intuitive abilities and deep healing on every level.
The health benefits of dandelion root tea and the fresh leafy greens of the plant are extraordinary—it literally regenerates your body from the inside out.
Throughout human history those who have demonstrated superhuman health abilities always had one thing in common: they practiced special breathwork techniques regularly.
Dr. Alexander Lloyd offers a number of powerful techniques for cellular memory healing, which allow you to rapidly clear old emotional wounds. limiting beliefs and traumas.
Dr. Libby Weaver offers 8 powerful ways to reverse the effects of stress on your body, heal adrenal fatigue and restore your health holistically.
He Shou Wu (Fo-Ti) is one of the most remarkable health boosting herbs of all times with a range of miraculous life-extending benefits & spiritual effects.
Mastering the art of intuitive eating allows you to understand and interpret what your body's food cravings are really trying to tell you.
Regularly including these elite, nutrient dense foods in your diet is essential if you are seeking greater health, energy, mood and clarity in your life.
Recent research is showing that music does some pretty surprising and amazing things to your brain that you'll definitely want to learn to do more of.
These powerfully healing, ultra-healthy berries have extensive health benefits and a long list of medicinal properties. And to top it off, they taste great.