Dr. Alexander Lloyd offers a number of powerful techniques for cellular memory healing, which allow you to rapidly clear old emotional wounds. limiting beliefs and traumas.
Dr. Libby Weaver offers 8 powerful ways to reverse the effects of stress on your body, heal adrenal fatigue and restore your health holistically.
Its totally possible to earn a great living doing something you love that has a positive impact on the world. Discover conscious careers where you thrive by helping others.
The liver flush is by far the quickest and most effective way to detox your liver, purify your body, restore health and remove harmful toxins from your cells.
Your energetic fields and bodies are just as important for your health and wellness as your physical body. Learn how to keep them in balance and harmony.
Recent research is showing that a powerful thing begins to happen when you immerse yourself in nature: it rewires your brain and body.
Learn what to eat and how to live in order to bring your life, emotions, mind and body into balance and energetic harmony according to your unique psycho-physiological needs.
Discover 7 highly effective methods for rapidly cleansing your body of harmful toxins and waste that have been used by ancient cultures for millennia.
Master Daoist teacher Mantak Chia shares 10 extraordinarily powerful ancient practices for activating the pineal gland and balancing your spiritual biochemistry.
Rose quartz is a powerful healing crystal with deep meaning and potent metaphysical properties, especially useful for strengthening the heart on all levels.
Discover powerful herbs, foods and lifestyle habits that will supercharge your mind, improve brain function and stimulate neural regeneration.
Epigenetic research has shown that cellular rejuvenation and DNA repair can be stimulated by our behavior. Learn 6 powerful exercises to start the process.
Regularly practicing these eight ancient qigong exercises allowed Daoist masters to perform a number of miraculous feats of healing and bodily rejuvenation.
Regularly practicing chakra healing techniques is one of the most powerful ways to balance the energy body and create vibrant health mentally, emotionally and physically.
The one day cleanse is a powerful way to detoxify, purify, rejuvenate and restore the optimal functioning of your body and mind in an incredibly short period of time.